A Few Habits I Will Take With Me in 2018

When it comes down to it, and if you've been following me for any time at all you may have realized, I am FAR from perfect.  I do not count my macros, I do not have a 6 pack (#mommytummysunite) and I do not have the the traditional Fitness Expert look and that's A-OK with me because this is the zone I thrive in.  I call it FITISH... ya know - I LOVE FITNESS, EATING CLEAN and all that jazz but I ALSO love burritos and wine.  Again, FITISH.  Now THAT is perfect.

Today is the first day back in a "routine" around these joints and I thought I would take a second and share a few habits that I will most definitely be taking into 2018 with me as I continue to TRY to live the HEALTHIEST, FITishist life possible.

  1. Water.  Drink it people.  Before my feet hit the floor EVERY morning I drink a full glass of water.  This kind of jumpstarts my body and also pots down any hunger I may have woken up with.  Throughout the day a LOT of times being thirsty can be mistaken for hunger... now think of all those calories we didn't actually need!?
  2. Move.  Every day aim to get your sweat on.  In an ideal world I'd be able to take a class at my favorite place and have an uninterrupted 55 mins to myself but alas #momlife so in an attempt to not overwhelm myself I aim for 30 mins every day.  Now sometimes you have to get creative.  Maybe it's going for a walk, maybe a run on the treadmill - if you need any at-home options I have a TON of suggestions (and most are at or under 30 mins and require little to no equipment!).  This has become my therapy.  The 30 mins isn't just physically helping me it's mentally clearing my brain for all the mom, wife, coach, instructor duties the day has in store!
  3. The Green Stuff.  I aim to eat 3 Veggies and 2 fruits in my daily food intake.  This takes a little planning at first and I also get creative with some (spinach in your smoothie anyone!?) but trying to make the majority of your meal the good stuff can help you avoid a plate of 2lbs of pasta and say 1 spoonful of veggies. Sidenote think of all the extra vitamins and minerals you're getting #bonus  If your nutrition needs some help Shake-O has been my savior and easy to follow meal plans that include REAL food and LOTS of it. #HereToHelp
  4. Sleep.  Some people operate on less but I can not function and I am FAR from fun to be around without at least 8 hours.  I also find my decision making radar is WAY off if I'm running on less - "maybe I can skip my workout," "Maybe we should get takeout"  see where I'm going with this?
  5. Treat yo self.  I can not support ANYTHING that deprives a certain foodgroup or say chocolate.  I am all about the moderation.  So if it means having a 95% clean eating day and a little dark chocolate or a glass of wine at night #LiveYaLife.  Otherwise if you're all "I don't eat carbs - that will last a day before I'm swimming in a pool of noodles like that old lady in the Adam Sandler movie I can't remember the name of.
  6. Be present.  Alright stay with me... When I start my day with a moment of affirmation and things I am grateful for I continue with this mindset through the day.  Too often we hear people talk about all of the things we DON'T have instead of all of the things we DO have.  Imagine what that mindset switch would do?

So there you have it!  Six tips I include in my day to make sure I am the FITISHist I can be.  As women we tend to put others first and that ish can take it's toll on us (physically AND mentally) and TRUST coming off a year of a low immune system and every sickness known to man I have made my health a priority (now more than ever) because I have found not every day is going to be the same and more times than not it's out of my control BUT what I CAN CONTROL is ME.  And when I take the time to make sure my (mental and physical) cup is full I can start pouring into others and isn't that what life is all about?

If you have any tips you include in your day to day please share with me, I LOVE hearing from you and so does the B-Team Community!