Biggest Misconception about Meal Prepping AND Eating Healthier

THE BIGGEST Meal Prep misconception I see when working with my challengers is the ALL or NOTHING mentality.

Essentially we go ALL IN once we decide to “make some healthy habits” and create this pressure to do it ALL so we burn out and quit after a short amount of time INSTEAD of baby steps, doing what works for you and slaying the #mealprep game!

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And feast your eyes on my breakfast for the week that needs to be highlighted cuz I MADE IT 👉🏻 NOT #MrParker (you could probably come to this conclusion on your own by my inability to dice vegetables 🤷🏻‍♀️🔪👩🏻‍🍳)

I almost look at it a little bigger -> “pitfalls in trying to "eat healthier."

First issue we will call the "Over Achiever".  Once you make the decision to eat cleaner and meal prep you go 100% ALL IN. 

You head to Trader Joes or Whole Foods when you normally go to Market Basket or Aldi (you know EXACTLY what I mean right?). Then the shock of the bill makes you instantly think "This is NOT sustainable" and you're already defeated. The initial grocery trip is going to be a little more expensive because you’re going to grab staples that you will use A LOT but then you’ll spread it out so it’s a gradual change.

Secondly you buy MORE of the same. Meaning you intend to buy all these fresh fruits and veggies BUT you still buy all the old crap. So now your bill is HUGE. I challenge you to remove some of the unhealthy stuff.   For me and my fam it tends to be snacks. I'll go all out on the produce BUT I still buy the gummy snacks and cheese and crackers and goldish because "what will everyone eat?"  Know what they’ll eat? Healthier things - they adjust and the other things become what their intended for TREATS.

Lastly bringing it back full circle - foods finally IN the house now let’s chat meal prepping.  When it comes to meal prepping EVERYONE is different BUT WHATEVER you can do to make it easier and healthier during the week is a win.  For us Brian likes to cook every other night so I prep my breakfast and snacks.  Now before my idea was I had to PREP EVERYTHING - you know those traditional pics you think of - chicken and broccoli in all of the Tupperware - first like HOW do they have the matching covers for all that shit!?  

TANGENT - so back to the NOT all or nothing.  Because Brian cooks I handle my trouble issues - breakfast.  Usually an egg cup or bake and snacks.  For snacks I cut all veggies for an easy grab with hummus.  Fresh fruit for pairing with PB or make my own energy bites.  Here is my favorite recipe!

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So keeping all of this in mind I would love to hear what meal prepping looks for YOU and your fam! And as always if you’re looking for some extra help or support in the nutrition and fitness departments let’s chat! Fill THIS out and I’ll be in touch ASAP!