Are You "In the Thick of It?" Too? Let's Chat...

You seem discouraged by your progress.  In case anyone hasn’t told you, you pretty much broke your leg in every way possible. It will take time and that’s ok.

My PT said this to me and I kinda broke down a bit.  I AM discouraged.  I am angry that I’m not able to do all the things that I want to do, that I COULD do just 2 months ago then I get PISSED and play the “WHY DID I GO DOWN THE DAMN SLIDE” game which is super fun.


So I thought I would come here to remind YOU of a few things that are helping me -  if you’re in the thick of something too.

  1. It’s ok NOT to be OK.

    1. When people are struggling they can often make themselves feel worse by placing RIDIC and unrealistic expectations. You are NOT your situation. Stop beating yourself up if you’re having a hard time coping. You are the same person you’ve always been.

  2. Let go of Blame

    1. People can find a temporary distraction by blaming others or even themselves. It’s ok to be angry at first BUT wallowing in feelings of unfairness or blame will eventually make us feel worse! (Picture me throwing the voodoo doll of the slide I have away)

  3. Take a Step Back

    1. When you’re in the THICK OF IT it can be overwhelming - taking a step back and “removing yourself from the situation” can help you see things in a fresh light and maybe even help find new solutions.

  4. Nothing Lasts Forever

    1. Remember when you’re in the last month of pregnancy and people tell you “try to enjoy” and you want to punch them. Same thing here haha. Not in the most HORRIBLE of circumstances - nothing lasts forever. This can help gain perspective AND a little comfort.

  5. Take things Step by Step

    1. Trying to fix everything can be confusing, overwhelming and frustrating. You don’t have to solve the whole problem at once (and honestly you probably can’t. Just focus on the next best thing and progress is right around the corner.

  6. Look for the Open Door

    1. When one door closes another opens; ALWAYS. Keep your eyes open - losing something or the end of something can be the beginning of something new BUT only if you’re open to them.

And lastlly - you’re not alone.  I need this one myself. A LOT.  It’s hard to identify with people if you’re not going through it BUT sis you don’t have to bear the weight of the situation alone.  Sometimes just knowing people want to help (listen, drives, food - whatever) and you’re not alone is life changing BUT only if you let them in.

And if you don’t have anyone, I would love to be that person for you.  Let’s get out of the shit together.