How I Gave Myself A 271% Raise...

Since becoming my own boss and starting the B Team in 2014 I have given myself a 271.55% increase in pay. Now let’s be clear - “GIVEN” might be the wrong term because I worked HARD for this raise. Blood, Sweat and Challenge Groups HAHA #ButSeriously I mean I know it has been awhile since I’ve been in corporate America but I think that’s a pretty strong raise %.

Add on the fact that last year was 2020 and I’m even more proud of these numbers.

At a time in the world when it seems like everyone and their mother is a “Coach” I am sharing this because these numbers are real and I worked HARD for them.  And what these numbers mean to me is a REAL conversation with Mr.Parker about me being able to continue to stay home with my babies.  And for THAT I will be forever grateful I found this opportunity SO who am I to keep it to myself?!? 

That being said I have a no obligations Sneak Peek going down on the book if you want to learn a little more about what I do, how I do it and most importantly if YOU could do it too.  It may not be for you BUT what if it IS?

Listen before coaching I did the traditional thing.  I got the good jobs, I worked my ass off to progress through the ranks and I have been lucky in the co-worker department (for the most part ;) ) but yet I still kind of always wanted more.  

Every meeting I attended that could’ve been an email…

Every time traffic made me miss my train…

Every time that traffic made me miss kissing my kid goodnight…

A part of me died. (Maybe not but go with my flair for the dramatics) and the fact that this opportunity means that I don’t HAVE to miss those things with any of my babies is the absolute BEST.  

So WHY Coaching?  I think the better question is WHY NOT?  Coaching has changed my life in so many aspects.  It has been a blessing and being on the B Team has been the ultimate blessing.  We work hard but we play harder ;)  Not only are you joining a top ranked Coaching team that will help you succeed in your business - you are joining our family.  We train together, work together, sweat together and Succeed together.  And with 100% certainty you will have FUN through it all.  Curious? Let’s chat -> You can start by filling THIS out and I will be in touch ASAP!