3 Weeks to FIX 2020...


So although I would LOVE to be able to miraculously FIX 2020 - I cannot, HOWEVER - I CAN help you FIX a few things that will 100% help make it easier AND ensure 2021 starts off on the best foot possible…

I’m talking your Health, Overall Wellness, Mindset & Confidence.

So let’s be honest - everyone handled Covid & Quarantine differently BUT I think it’s safe to say a majority of us ate and drank way too much. (Just me?!) I made the decision towards the end of Summer that I had had ENOUGH of my clothes not fitting, not enough energy to keep up with my 438792 kids etc. etc. That’s when I committed to ME; moving my body every day, eating INTENTIONALLY, filling my cup with personal development and surrounding myself with fellow ladies and gents looking to #LevelUP.

After putting our heads together with some other B Teamers we decided to bring back our MOST effective program; the 21 Day Fix.

Cool - So what is it EXACTLY?

This program revolves around the idea that it takes 21 days to successfully create a healthy habit, and was created by National Academy of Sports Medicine certified celeb trainer Autumn Calabrese. Together we combine portion control with regular physical activity to promote weight loss in just three weeks. So whether you want to lose a few pounds before your next vacation, jump-start a bigger weight-loss goal or go into 20201 feeling CONFIDENTaf the 21 Day Fix is the program for you. It’s simple, it’s fast, and it works if YOU do.

How does the 21 Day Fix work?

With the 21 Day Fix container system, you’ll learn how to create healthy portions simply and intuitively. It shows you how to eat whatever you want, in the right amounts, so you can reach your goals fast. No guesswork, and no calorie counting! The 21 Day Fix workouts are designed to burn a lot of calories in only 30 minutes. Anyone at any fitness level can do them. If you’re a beginner, follow the on-screen modifier. And if you’re an advanced exerciser looking to shed those last few pounds, dial-up the intensity and challenge yourself to push harder.

Why is the 21 Day Fix effective?

Because it’s so simple! You don’t have to count calories or points, or log your food into diet software. With 21 Day Fix, everything is laid out for you. All you have to do is use the specially designed portion-control containers and do one 30-minute workout per day. Commit to it for 21 days, and you’re going to love your results.

What makes the 21 Day Fix unique?

21 Day Fix is a fitness and nutrition program that combines portion-control containers and world-class workouts. By focusing on fitness and healthy portion control, 21 Day Fix can help anyone lose weight— and keep it off—in a way that’s simple and sustainable with just 30-minute workouts. Plus, there are two versions of 21 Day Fix—the original program and a version where the workouts are shot in real time for a more candid feel featuring a different workout for each of the 21 days of the program. It’s 21 simple 30-minute workouts and easy portion control for fast results.

Great - now why should you do this WITH MOÍ?

Well If you’ve been following me for a bit I’m sure you’ve heard me refer to my Bootcamp so I thought I would give you a little sneak peek into the awesomeness that goes down ON.THE.DAILY.

At it’s core my Bootcamp is a private online fitness community filled with ladies and gents looking to Grow and GET BETTER in the fitness, nutrition and mindset departments.  

Personally I have found myself on all #s on the scale - If we’re being honest I spent a good portion of my life gaining and losing the same 10lbs with WHATEVER fad diet was on the cover of US Weekly *cringe* only to be left frustrated, uninspired and saying some pretty harsh things to myself.

Know what’s funny? I found a LOT of other people were in this sick cycle too #hamsterwheel  and the main objectives for not making any progress in these departments were VERY similar - No time, money or confidence.

Enter my fourth baby; the B-Team Bootcamp.

In this welcoming space we focus on 3 main things:

  1. Exercise: I know I may be a weirdo but working out is my SANITY.  I’ve been an athlete my entire life and I genuinely ENJOY working out  - I KNOW I am the minority here and ENJOYING working out isn’t a requirement BUT getting your heart rate going and moving that body IS.  Beachbody on Demand - or SWEATFlix as I like to call it - has hands down THE BEST workout programs on the planet. They have something for EVERYONE - and most require little to no equipment and come in right around 30 mins. Cardio, Strength, HIIT, Dance, Pilates, Yoga - you name it; I have something for you.  When you join the Bootcamp you’ll have the option to work through one of these programs which lays it ALL out there for you. Absolutely NO guesswork. (and Best part is you’re streaming so they’re avail ANYWHERE you got wifi)

  2. Nutrition.  Truth Circle - this is my struggle.  I KNOW what to eat - but the damn wine won’t stop calling me from the kitchen every day when the clock strikes 5pm.  That being said a STRONG % of your success will come from proper nutrition and keeping that in mind the B-Team Bootcamp has you covered in this dept as well.  Shakeology is THE most important part of my meal plan. It’s a meal replacement (or in my nursing sitch supplement) made for whole-food sources, packed with antioxidents, superfoods, pro/pre-biotics and SO much more.  I have had one every single day for the past 5 years. In that time it has greatly decreased my coffee intake, INCREASED my energy, kept my HANGRY afternoon feelings at bay, replaced my multivitamin AND prenatal vitamin, helped with my digestion, curbed my sweet tooth and perhaps best of all - it’s just delicious. You can read more about it here!

  3. Mindset: Now this is a recent addition to my Bootcamp because it’s taken me awhile to realize your mindset is probably the MOST important component.  Your body isn’t going to do ANYTHING if your mind doesn’t tell it to and if you’re telling yourself “you could never do that” or “this is only temporary” well I’m sorry but it is.  One of my fav quotes “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right” is my life mantra (for health and other aspects). So we take a little time each week to pour into ourselves with some self love and confidence building activities.  DON’T PANIC - I know this can be unfamiliar territory BUT I PROMISE, yes PROMISE, this will be a HUGE factor in establishing a healthier routine - and the activities are doable; journaling, affirmations etc.

And lastly SUPPORT.  Accountability is CRUCIAL when going through any sort of life change, let alone a health and wellness program.  Luckily this Bootcamp is filled with like-minded people all doing the same thing at the same time. So not only do you get daily tips and tricks on meal planning, prepping, nutrition, fitness etc fro me you get Peer Support from others walking the walk - encouraging one another, feeling the losses and celebrating the wins TOGETHER.

Participation in the group looks different on everyone - so sweaty selfies are not required (although encouraged!).  If you want to post a picture of every meal you take because you’re proud of them POST THEM, share your recipes! If you want to quietly take it all in - creep away as long as you’re getting some help from what I’m providing.

So what are the Goals of the B-Team Bootcamp?

My bootcamp exists to:

  • Help you #LevelUp in all aspects of your life.  I’m talking I want you feeling energetic, healthy and CONFIDENT.

  • Help you get in the best shape of your life.

  • Help you achieve your OWN personal goals (weight loss, strength, get off meds, mental - WHATEVER)

There you have it.  A cliff notes on my fourth baby.  I am proud of a lot of things in my life but this one pulls at my heart strings.  This community is SO near and dear to my heart and I just know I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have it so I spend my days paying it forward.

If this sounds like it might be up your alley - let’s chat getting you started because you CAN Fit with us! #YouCanFitWithUs AND if you’re looking to try it out you can sample one of the workouts HERE! Can’t wait to do this with you! XOXO Becky