Feed Your Focus in August

It’s the last month of summer (NOOOOOOOOOO). Has this busy (and highly unpredictable) season left you feeling a bit scattered and chaotic? #SameGirlSame - I think it’s safe to say, we are all feeling a bit out of focus. 😬

Struggling to do your normal daily tasks? 

Feeling restless?

Having a hard time remembering things? 

Struggling to make decisions?

Feeling fuzzy or foggy? 

Lacking energy? 

Making careless mistakes? 

Missing meetings or appointments? 

Forgetting to do important things? 

Losing things a lot more often? 

These are all things that happen when we lose focus and struggle to concentrate! And you can probably guess that it is not good for our mental, emotional or physical health. If you are saying “yes, that’s me!” right now, it’s time to get focused! 🔎

Improving your concentration and clearing up all these issues requires a total-wellness approach. Eating well, getting good sleep, supplementing where needed, moving your body, drinking water – these are not just for losing weight or looking good. These are essential lifestyle habits for living a focused and full life! 

If you are not motivated by wanting to look great, then let feeling great be your motivation! 😊

If you’re ready - let’s be more intentional about our daily health habits and lifestyle together so we can get focused, get more done, feel more in control and have more peace and clarity in our lives.

As always with all my groups, you get daily advice and tips, healthy recipes, tracking sheets, bonus resources and more!

If what you are doing isn’t working, you might just need a few tweaks. Living healthy doesn’t have to be complicated, especially when you have the right tools and support. It just requires focus and commitment!

NOW how we REALLY ensure we win? We make small changes with some accountability (i.e - ME and my private chat pod filled with ladies doing the exact same thing as YOU; trying to simplify their health routines and FEEL BETTER!).

Annnnnd on top of all those goodies let’s chat about a few bonuses you will ONLY get when you work with me and my crew:

  • A 24 hour Virtual Gym: Sometimes having friends makes the workout go by just a little quicker eh? This is NOT a requirement BUT if you do want the virtual company we got you! Schedules have been a little all over the place with the holidays BUT we usually have a 430a, 5am, 6am and lunchtime consistency crew and with people all over the US (and various countries there is usually a friendly face on and working!)

  • Recipes: I know one of the BIGGEST things I hear is “I am bored with healthy eating” and HELLO. HOLD THE PHONE! I provide a meal plan (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks) with sporadic recipes, shopping lists and 2B and UPF equivalents. And I might be biased BUT they are BOMB.

  • Personal Summer Chat Pod: Starting something new can be overwhelming BUT it doesn’t have to be! This small pod is one way to have direct access to me AND some new fit friends who are just starting out. We ask questions, share sweaty selfies, wins, struggles And more!

  • Instagram & FB Trackers: Sometimes sharing publicly helps us stay just a little more accountable so why not make them extra pretty! You’re doing WORK - be proud of yourself!

If this sounds like the support you’re in need of fill out THIS FORM and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours! I’m feeling so excited + inspired in planning this challenge, and would love to take on the end of summer together!