I Didn't Hit a Single Goal I set for 2021

Seriously.  I missed EVERY SINGLE GOAL.

  1. Become an Elite Coach

  2. Earn 6 figures (including all 4 bonuses)

  3. Get back down to 150lbs

  4. Earn an invitation to Leadership

  5. Host my first Team Retreat

I’m not sure I need to say this anymore but I am a solutions oriented person.  I THRIVE with setting goals and reverse engineering them and outlining exactly what I need to do to get there.  Which is sort of funny because in EVERY other aspect of my life I am THE HOTTEST OF MESSES - I am not a planner, I am ALWAYS late (I am 100% sure I will be late for my own funeral, I think EVERYWHERE is 20 mins away (Worcester, Florida, Maine all 20, 25 with traffic) but when it comes to my biz and my personal development I DO NOT FUCK AROUND.

What’s that quote “we make plans and God laughs?” well the big man upstairs had himself quite the chuckle when I decided to take my ass down the slide last July.

It becomes QUITE hard to stay motivated when you’re physically unable to move and your gourmet cooking husband has now become the lone parent (kids don’t want to sit on the couch with me for longer than 15 mins and I’m rounding up by 14 mins), running all the errands, taking care of the house and ya know taking care of me too.

Ready for the weirdest statement - I’m APPRECIATIVE of the forced slow down.  The break in 3 places was unnecessary and dramatic BUT it literally FORCED me to spend a LOT of time looking inwards - was my life operating the way I wanted.  Was my business? What did I like? What could I say adios to?

And I NEVER would have done that before.  I do all the things almost on auto pilot, never really checking in to see if it’s working OR more importantly if I’m enjoying it.  It was actually quite eye opening.

With this downtime (and the help of my therapist, Primary Care, Biz mentors & success partners)  I was able to do SO SO SO much work on me.  Take a look BIGGER than JUST my biz, but more to MY LIFE.  How do I want to FEEL every day.  How do I want to WORK?  WHO do I want to work with and HOW do I really plug into my family and friends.

So although I may have missed all of my goals I originally set - at the end of the summer I reevaluated and made some new ones.  Instead of giving up I took a real honest look at the work I know I could do and I didn’t give up.

So I may have only earned 1 out of 4 bonuses BUT my income went up YOY WITHOUT doing more work and NOT teaching 1 single fitness class.  I may not be down at 150 BUT I have a newfound appreciation for my body EXACTLY as it is.  After birthing 3 babies and rehabbing from a terrible injury I am moving my body every day (whihc is more than most people can say) and I know I will get there wherever “there is.” I also established boundaries in my business that allows me to show up and RUN with the people who inspire and motivate me to be better and mentor those that want to get there too WITHOUT chasing, dragging or being brought down by complaining and people not willing to put in the work.

So in a year where technically I went 0 for 100 I FEEL like I went 110 for 100 because I did the work on me.  The work I needed to do to ACTUALLY slay my goals and create the life I want for me AND my family.

It’s also allowing me to go into 2022 with a freight train of FUCK yeah energy.  

Moral of the story..

“Failure isn’t in NOT reaching your goal but in having no goal to reach” Benjamin Mays

So what do YOU want 2022 to look like?  And if leveling up in fitness, mindset, self-love or finances are on that list let’s chat.