#FoodFridays - Bring on Summer!

Does anyone else find it SO much easier to eat cleaner when the weather is nice?

The weather in New England has been straight up DRUNK but I think we are finally on the way to Summer.  Oddly enough Spring is my favorite season and we skip it EVERY year - 30 degrees to 90 in no time.  Hey BIG Guy some of us like to accessorize and look cute for a few weeks before we go into sweaty beast and only black tank mode.  Anywho I digress...

The Parker house has made some KILLER meals lately (ALL 21 Day Fix approved) and recipes NEED to be shared.  It would be UNFAIR for me to keep them!  I also want it noted that I made TWO out of the three I'm sharing... granted #mrparker meal was by far superior - I made something that wasn't just edible, it was GOOD.

First up was the star of the show.  BLT Chicken Salad Stuffed Avocados.  I could literally eat 12 of these.  This was ALMOST too pretty to eat and we both decided the only thing we may do differently was not plating it IN the avocado BUT cutting it up and placing it IN the salad. Either way you can't lose.

BLT Chicken Salad Stuffed Avocados.jpeg

And next up are a few sides I whipped together real quick with Em's help!  Now recently I have been hearing how HARD it is to eat "good" at parties this time of year and ya know what?  HOLD THE PHONE - thats a straight up excuse!  Control the Controllable and make your own addition to the party!

How amazing is it that you could introduce a bunch of people to the idea that Clean Eating doesn't have to be boring.  Quite the opposite actually.  We had Pork and Salmon on the grill and let's focus on these sides!  And the BEST part about these two sides is if you have leftovers throw them over some greens for a fancy salad the next day!  #winning

And last but certainly not least... the easiest to make AND sometimes it's just nice to keep it simple no?