Misconceptions about Shakeology.

I've been answering a LOT of questions lately about Shake-O so figured I would share with YOU too!

Lets chat misconceptions:

First Misconception: "Shakeology is just a protein shake"

"Protein Shake" has become interchangeable for ANY shake out there nowadays - so trust, I get the confusion.  Shake-O is SO much more than a protein shake, it is a nutrient dense meal replacement.  One serving of Shakeology has the nutritional value of 5 plates of salad.  No one loves salad more than me BUT there's no way Im sitting and eating 5 plates of it.  Grabbing my Shake-O allows me to get all the vitamins and nutrients my body needs while keeping my caloric intake low.  Also good to note - people are way more nutrient deficient than they are protein deficient - so why would you only want a protein shake?  

Second Misconception: "But it doesn't have as much ___ in it as ___"

I won't get into specifics of other shakes out there BUT what I will do is ask if you're currently researching or already drinking another shake check the ingredients.  Does it have Soy, Soy Lecithin, Artificial Flavors or Artificial Sweeteners?  In this case Shake-o is all about what it DOESN'T have in it.  Nothing artificial!  It is sweetened by stevia - an all natural, plant based sweetener.

Third Misconception: "Shakeology is expensive"

Truth circle - I may have thought the same thing when I first looked at the pricing AND before I chatted with my coach.  (You know what happens when you assume you know what's up)  It's now my job as a coach to break it down into a digestable fashion for you - so lets do it.  

On the reg most people are spending $4-$10 on a healthy meal and thats for about a 1/10 of the nutritional value of one Shake-o. Aim to replace 1 of those "fast food" stops or processed meals pretending to be healthy (canned soup, frozen breakfast burrito etc) a day with your Shakeology and you'll be saving $.  Depending on your individual case you may even be able to replace the cost of your daily vitamins...saving even more.  Every monthly order is 30 meals right there - no prep needed ;)  I deduct it from our grocery bill for ease of budgeting!

Did I mention the nugget LOVES it? (Pic proof above).  Feeding Em is NOT an easy task…EVERY meal is a struggle SO I am ALWAYS worried she's getting enough of the good stuff she needs.  Shakeology makes it easy for me - and she ASKS for it.  #winning

Fourth Misconception: "Shakeology is a weight loss shake"

Again, all shakes have this "weight-loss" stigma so this is completely understandable. (Doesn't help that most are HEAVILY marketed this way too!)  Shakeology is NOT a weight loss tool - it is a tool for your health.  

When most people are looking to "get healthy" or get back on track they immediately cut calories and thats the WORST thing you can do - you NEED those calories and nutrients to fuel your body.  Because Shakeology is low in calories every individual can play with their target calorie # by experimenting with their mixings. Raw spinach, yogurt, oats etc.  The options are endless!

When you incorporate Shakeology into your daily routine you are fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to not only power you through your workout but also through your day!  You will have more energy, feel fuller longer and snack less - that sounds like healthy weight loss to me.  So you could say Shakeology is a by product of weight loss BUT definitely not a weight loss tool!

Hope this helped to clear some things up.  If you have more questions, or want to read more head to any of these links:

My take 

My Shakeology site

Shakeology FAQs 

If you still want to chat you can get me on Facebook or shoot me an email byoufitinfo@gmail.com!

Talk soon! XO