"You are Handling this SO Well"...

So we are about 3.5 weeks out from being attacked by a slide and my surgery to fix the 3 breaks in my leg. We are also 3 weeks until my boot and PLOT TWIST I am currently stuck on the couch with poison ivy.

yes. seriously.

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Like “OK UNIVERSE - I SEE YOU. I AM PAYING ATTENTION” but this shit is almost comical at this point.  And I am asked/reminded almost hourly “you are handling this SO WELL.”  I know it is coming from the best of place BUT I am human and today I am having a WOE IS FREAKING ME - BUT - it's a day.  So sitting in my feelings is what I need today.  But nobody wants to hear about the Bagel I ate and the amount of episodes of my fav current Netflix Binge (Sweet Magnolias) I watched JUST today SO I will share what might help.

Listen life can be unpredictable. Loss of a loved one, financial stressors, shit - at this current day just head on over to your Facebook feed - the hate and judgement running rampant is enough to send anyone spiraling into hopelessness. And ALL of that is in addition to daily life.

So HERE is what I’ve been doing to make the best of a real shitty situation. And remember if you have any additional coping mechanisms send them over to me byoufitinfo@gmail.com - Sharing is caring XOXO

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  1. Give Positivity to Someone Else’s Life: Ya know the whole “Treat others how you want to be treated?” Well there is more to that than we might think. how we treat and think about others has a HUGE influence on how you treat and think about YOURSELF. So think about doing a random act of kindness to someone you love or even a stranger. For me this is a daily occurrence through my virtual fit community. Sharing recipes, motivational videos, books & more (holler if you want in!) but it can look as simple as telling the woman you’re behind in line you love her hair, paying for car behind you at Dunks. This will not only make their day but yours too.

  2. Meditation: Or Tree Hugging as I used to refer to it as HAHA. But seriously according to PositivePsychology.com, Stress is the body’s response to unforeseen adversities. which increase the level of cortisol (stress hormone in the body) and activates the Autonomic Nervous system, which is responsible for fight-or-flight responses. Brain studies of regular meditators revealed that they have lower cortisol level in their brains. You can access a sample of the program I’m following HERE.

  3. Challenge your thinking: During adversity it can be extremely hard to remain calm. Giving yourself a minute to intercept the negative thoughts (WHY ME) regroup and look at the bigger picture (whether your strategy is deep breathing or getting some fresh air) can be SO beneficial. Once you are in a calm state, ask yourself, “what good could come out of this situation? What is my glass half full?” “what could I do to be more positive about this?” I heard a quote recently “The trick to positivity is not avoiding pessimism.” It’s really about how quickly you can redirect your energy, I am a FIXER so I see a problem I immediately look for the way to fix it but sometimes that isn’t possible SO the ability to redirect the convo is a skillset we can all benefit from.

  4. Listen to your body: When shit happens it is SO easy to instantly become Bridget Jones snuggled in the blanket with tubs of ice cream BUT that isn’t going to make you feel better in the long run SO eat when you’re hungry, get enough sleep and manage your pain. The adversity will happen but running crazy will only empty your cup completely.

  5. Be EXTRA cautious of the people you surround yourself with: I have made SUCH strides in this department but seriously - stay away from the complainers, the coulda shoulda wouldas. Strong, genuine relationships are a KEY to happiness, so really fight the impulse to isolate yourself. Show up when possible.. Make the plans. Ask for help or just have some fun and forget your troubles for a while.

  6. Personal Development: I will praise this coaching gig forever. One of our job requirements is pouring into our own cup so I have been reading or listening to motivational things that remind me of my worth and my ability to create the life I want with ACTION, belief and a few to-do lists. But seriously - here is one of my fav listens.

Bottom line: Negativity happens. Shit Happens. Sometimes you get attacked by a slide and are incapable of doing literally ANYTHING but like my favorite quote reminds us - “You may have been giving a cactus but you don’t have to sit on it”

Positivity is a choice, and the quicker you learn to reframe the current situation, the more time you’ll spend in a positive space. Then, over time, the more likely you are to turn directly to a positive interpretation of events instead of the negative. That life sounds a little more fun eh? And stay committed to this. It’s a practice so not all days are going to great - remember my carb overload today? But I’m here HOPEFULLY paying it forward and for that I have turned this day around. (and also kept myself from itching for the last hour)