Do Things YOUR WAY This May

Are you ready to do things YOUR way this May? Yeah me too. And let’s clear something up right away - doing things YOUR WAY isn’t selfish. It means you’re taking control of your own narrative - it means self-affirmations, self-care and standing up for yourself!

TRUST ME - it doesn’t come easy BUT it is simple with the right routines in your day. Let’s build a PICK-ME-UP-KIT together with tips and tricks to “Do it YOUR way” whenever you need it. The first piece of your kit is a morning routine that you look forward to. The trick? pair a habit you don’t love but need (workout, meditation, walk outside, journaling etc) with a habit you LOVE (morning coffee, new prodcast, breakfast tacos - etc.etc.)

NOW how we REALLY ensure we win? Make small tweaks like that with some accountability (i.e - ME and my private chat pod filled with ladies doing the exact same thing as YOU; trying to simplify your health routine and FEEL BETTER!).

In addition to habit stacking - Here are the daily themes I’m excited about!

💫 We’re kicking off each week talking about the comparison game and how to avoid it,

💫 Tuesdays are for rest and recovery ideas,

💫 Each Wednesday, we will build a Pick-Me-Up Kit to help you find your way, as needed,

💫 Thursdays we will anchor our days in self-care,

💫 Fridays we will share our favorite things,

💫 Saturdays we will shout out our support system and lift up our favorite people,

💫 And, finally, on Sundays, we will work on being present + intentional for a new week of wins!

Annnnnd on top of all those goodies let’s chat about a few bonuses you will ONLY get when you work with me and my crew:

  • A 24 hour Virtual Gym: Sometimes having friends makes the workout go by just a little quicker eh? This is NOT a requirement BUT if you do want the virtual company we got you! Schedules have been a little all over the place with the holidays BUT we usually have a 430a, 5am, 6am and lunchtime consistency crew and with people all over the US (and various countries there is usually a friendly face on and working!)

  • Weekly Recipes: I know one of the BIGGEST things I hear is “I am bored with healthy eating” and HELLO. HOLD THE PHONE! I provide weekly meal plans (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks) with shopping lists and 2B and UPF equivalents. And I might be biased BUT they are BOMB.

  • Personal End of Year Challenger Chat Pod: Starting something new can be overwhelming BUT it doesn’t have to be! This small pod is one way to have direct access to me AND some new fit friends who are just starting out. We ask questions, share sweaty selfies, wins, struggles And more!

  • Hybrid Workout Calendars: Our programs are created by the pros to be completed as designed for max results but this isn’t a one size fits all - complimenting your running or yoga practice OR you’re just a rebel and want to hop around - THIS is for you. Workouts across ALL of our programs designed to progress through leaving you challenged and stronger than ever.

  • Instagram & FB Trackers: Sometimes sharing publicly helps us stay just a little more accountable so why not make them extra pretty! You’re doing WORK - be proud of yourself!

If this sounds like the support you’re in need of fill out THIS FORM and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours! I’m feeling so excited + inspired in planning this challenge, and would love to take on March together!