Make Time for ME March


"Set the expectation that you are a woman who makes time for her needs. No one else will do this for you." Melissa McCreery

As a mom, wife, daughter, friend, fitness instructor, friend and coach  -> I wear a LOT of hats as I’m sure YOU do too!

And if you're anything like me sometimes all the responsibilities become too much and I end up letting certain areas of my life slip so that I can accommodate the needs of everyone else.

This is a natural reaction for women - we are nurturers by nature and putting ourselves last is instinctual.  Unfortunately ignoring our own needs emotionally, physically, and mentally also comes at a price - and truthfully (in my opinion) it’s STEEP.

What if we could indulge ourselves just a little bit at a time? Those little pieces add up my friend! One step further - what if we could indulge ourselves AND be guilt free about it? #HolyGround

Here are some tips and tricks I use in my daily life to keep that #balance, we’re always striving to keep:

  1. Set your alarm for 15 mins before the day usually starts.  I KNOW - but I SWEAR there is literally NOTHING that makes me happier than enjoying a cup of coffee while planning my day in SILENCE.

  2. Hire a sitter with absolutely NO plans.  Whether it’s family or a sitter get someone for the kids and the minute they show up or drop off listen to your GUT and do that.  Stroll Target, go see a movie by yourself, workout for 3 hours - I don’t care.  Just try it.

  3. Drink a glass of wine alone.  And I am NOT referring to the one you pour while holding the baby and toddlers at your feet.  I mean the kids are in bed and just you winding down from the day.

  4. Create a Me Menu:  I keep mine on my phone and it includes things like working out, listening to Personal Development, getting a pedicure, coffee with friends etc.  If the opportunity presents itself for some alone time - I usually spend the first 50% of it walking in circles wondering what I should do - this way I peep my list and whatever activity fits into my window of time I just go do whether its 15 mins, an hour or more.

This is a topic I am PASSIONATE about because I promise you cannot pour from an empty cup.  If you want to learn about a few more tips on HOW to make more time and also some suggestions on what to do during “You Time” join “Make Time for ME March!”

It is a private 21 day group over on FB starting the week of 3/12.  We will be putting aside 30 mins a day for some physical activity, cleaning up our eating, increasing our water intake, making new friends and most importantly prioritizing ourselves - I can PROMISE you there is NOTHING better for that mindset than getting those endorphins or “feel good” chemicals flowing and fueling your body with clean eats.