I Will NOT be Small...

I was listening to my new favorite book - Girl Wash Your Face, shout out to Rachel Hollis (you can read more about her here) on my way to pick Em up from school today and I swear I pulled over, grabbed my notebook and listened to Chapter 14 TWICE.

You know when you hear something and you look around like “is this person/book/song talking DIRECTLY to me?”

I had that moment.  And I stopped and LISTENED.

I don’t remember exacts BUT the thought process was how often as women we downplay things for fear of what others may think or worse, say to us.  In her example she was at a conference for women entrepreneurs and she was amazed HOW many people - now we’re talking CEO’s, business owners etc. - were saying things like “well this is my hobby.  I am a mom first and foremost” Or something like “well this is just my side business.”

And this hit SO freaking close to home because I SAY THIS, ALL TOO OFTEN and I guess I didn’t even notice it.  Ironically I had a coffee date with an amazing friend earlier this week and we were talking about these “blocks” I put up because I say them without noticing OR I even think them (without communicating them out) BUT they’re there and the universe sees and feels them. (<- Did I lose you HAHA Hang with me!)  (Lizzie this convo was SO f*cking eye opening. I can't thank you ENOUGH

Even though it feels like a different lifetime I used to be a 6 figure earner, I ran teams and I traveled like a mofo - I was GOOD at my job BUT it became so hard when Em was here.  I was home thinking of work and at work thinking about HOME - which means I was failing as a mom and an employee. I won’t go down this story again because I have told it a million times BUT I think having this history almost makes me think what I’m doing now - coaching and instructing - could never be my main thing.


On an everyday basis I BUST MY BUTT, for my challengers, my team and my family - only difference is it doesn’t FEEL like work.

I am constantly coming up with recipe ideas with Brian, content for my groups (meal planning, prepping, time management, the mental aspect of this health and wellness journey and why it’s SO important to LOVE yourself - just to name a few) on top of helping the B-Team become the best coaches they can be.

Some days I am overwhelmed but again it NEVER feels like work - SO weird.  

Maybe another thing to discuss is the financial aspect. GULP - DAMN this was the wrong time to give up wine JK...kinda.  But seriously I am PROUD of the financial growth I have made - it has HELPED my family in more ways than I can count and maybe I SHOULD share those stories because it’s possible that this little “hobby” or “side gig” could one day replace my old FT income.

The thought right there KEEPS ME GOING.  The thought that by following my passions, doing the things I LOVE I could replace my FT income and create something to be passed down to my kids.  It’s mind blowing and from this point on I will NOT make coaching smaller than it is.

It is EVERYTHING to me.  It pays me like a business because I work it like a business.  

It gives me life.  It challenges me, keeps me on my toes, gives me sanity (adult convos for the win) and on an everyday basis it makes me want to be BETTER.  I’m talking a better person, wife, mom, coach, instructor, friend, daughter - EVERYTHING.

And here I am putting it in a box for what? Fear of what someone may think of me and how I am choosing to live my life?  

THAT IS SO NOT LIKE ME - but yet I’ve been doing it for four years - so here in this blog, and in this IG post I am committing to my small, life-changing, endless opportunities producing LIFE CALLING that I will ALWAYS speak to it in the AMAZING rite that it deserves.

I am so humbled and grateful that I have found something that lights me up inside while also paying a strong % of my bills - if you are looking for something, I have NO idea if this is for you BUT I’d love to chat it out because it just might be.

Seriously.  Don't wait - comment below or send me an email byoufitinfo@gmail.com - join me, and the other members of the B-Team in empowering other ladies to know it's OK to want more...and more importantly to DO something about it.