HEALTHY Hustle Through The Holidays

Tis’ the season for holiday parties, festive food, traveling, seeing loved ones, extra time off.

Allll the things most of us love. Unfortunately, not such great things for our health. 😕

If you are following me and/or reading my emails then you know that how I FEEL and my health are SO important to me and I’m going to assume it is probably important to you too. But balance is also important to me. I don’t sacrifice the things I enjoy, and most definitely not during the holidays! I have learned through the years how to have a healthy balance - enjoying things while also honoring my body. And I am here to tell you that doesn’t have to be one or the other! Here’s some quick tips for you to remember this time of year...

  1. Get plenty of sleep and rest. That means no gift-wrapping all-nighters or filling your schedule to the brim. Plan ahead and leave room for rest. Prioritize your sleep over re-creating your Christmas Pinterest board. 

  2. Move your body every day. It doesn’t always have to be a workout. Just move. Go for a walk, hope on the bike for a bit or do some stretching. A body in motion stays in motion, so just keep moving a bit every day. 

  3. Drink plenty of water. Always keep a water bottle with you. No matter what you eat or don’t eat, drinking half your body weight in ounces each day is a great way to help your body function at its best. 

  4. Focus on protein and fresh produce. This will leave you feeling fuller and also fill you up with necessary nutrients. It leaves room for less treats and junk food. And it is a much healthier mindset to focus on what you can have than thinking so much about deprivation and what you shouldn’t have. 

In addition to workouts, meal plans and daily motivation you can also expect the following when you join my virtual fit club:

  • A 24 hour Virtual Gym: Sometimes having friends makes the workout go by just a little quicker eh? This is NOT a requirement BUT if you do want the virtual company we got you! Schedules have been a little all over the place with the holidays BUT we usually have a 430a, 5am, 6am and lunchtime consistency crew and with people all over the US (and various countries there is usually a friendly face on and working!)

  • Recipes: I know one of the BIGGEST things I hear is “I am bored with healthy eating” and HELLO. HOLD THE PHONE! I provide a meal plan (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks) with sporadic recipes, shopping lists and 2B and UPF equivalents. And I might be biased BUT they are BOMB.

  • Personal Holiday Chat Pod: Starting something new can be overwhelming BUT it doesn’t have to be! This small pod is one way to have direct access to me AND some new fit friends who are just starting out. We ask questions, share sweaty selfies, wins, struggles And more!

  • Instagram & FB Trackers: Sometimes sharing publicly helps us stay just a little more accountable so why not make them extra pretty! You’re doing WORK - be proud of yourself!

Listen I don’t want you to just check out and ignore your health until the new year. It is not too late for this year. And it is not too early for next year. It is always the perfect time to work on your health. And it is totally possible to have a healthy hustle AND ENJOY the holidays! If you’re ready fill out THIS FORM and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours - sidenote the Black Friday sales are STRAIGHT FIRE so double #winning!