Healthy and Happy FITmas

Listen for a second…

I KNOW you’re tired.

I KNOW you’re busy.

I KNOW this season is HARD.


Want to know how I know?  Because I am feeling the EXACT same way.  If you’re anything like me I also know you’re probably feeling a little “all over the place,” “hanging by a thread” and maybe safe to say even “dragging a little a**?”

We are moving 12/13, I have been LAID up with an infected tooth and haven’t even STARTED Christmas shopping (unless you call the Fingerling I ordered 3 months ago that came and it was a HAPPY MONKEY … from China #mylife).  I’m not here to compare plates.  A full plate is a full plate and as ladies we tend to take it ALLLLLL ON.

Well I am also here to say I’ve been here before and I know how it goes (this is the FARTHEST thing from my first rodeo).  Let me play it all out for you.

The excuses start coming out…

“Why even bother? This is the CRAZIEST time of year” “It’s just one cookie (which turns into 5)” or “I’ll splurge just this one time (but then you have “something” every night this week) so “I’ll do it tomorrow” turns into never happening.

THIS is what happens to all of us BUT do you know what DOESN’T have to happen - the guilt?  I like to call myself FITish - you know the kind, I LOVE to eat clean and workout daily but I ALSO love tacos and wine and this time of year it’s cheese plates and wine.

THIS IS OK. Not only is a 80/20 mindset GOOD I mean literally cheese and wine are OK (meal plan approved!  #winning)

So moral of the story - we can come up with an excuse for EVERYTHING but I am not looking for perfection by any means.  I’m looking for a few friends who are looking to stay motivated THROUGH the holiday season.  I’m not waiting until NEXT YEAR to have my BEST YEAR.

And in the meantime I get my workouts in, drink my superfoods, try some new healthy holiday recipes, meet some new fit friends and maintain the sanity through the craze!

If you’re interested I have a few spots left and I ALSO have ONE $25 gift card leftover from Small Biz Saturday for the next person to just freaking GO FOR IT and join me!