My Tips for Goal Setting and How to Make Exercise a Habit

I Will Not be Setting a New Years Resolution & Here’s Why I Don’t Think You Should Either.

Now before you get all up in arms I am 100% about setting goals and WORKING towards them but when it comes to NY resolutions people go to extremes and I feel like it might actually be doing more harm than good. The term New Years’ Resolutions actually has a negative stigma - it makes me think of temporary and if we’re all about getting better I want that shit to stick #AmIRight 

Did you know that (according to the university of Scranton) 92% percent of people who set New Year's Resolutions NEVER achieve them. NINETY TWO.

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I have been FASCINATED by mindset lately so I thought I would share TWO things that can not only help you set some OBTAINABLE goals for 2021 but also taking it one step further.  If some of your goals are in the health and wellness department (which I HOPE they are) I have tips on how to make movement & mindset a Habit.

First up Goal Setting.  Let’s start with what we WON’T do because I think this is where people bite off a little more than they can chew and eventually go catatonic.  

  1. Make sure your goals are Specific and Challenging BUT not TOO challenging.

    1. More times then not people set super vague goals come January 1.  “I want to lose 20lbs” or “I want to get healthier.”  Both could be great goals but you can’t track them and in that we’re almost giving ourselves the room to get lax.  So let’s break it down.  If 20lbs is a safe goal for you HOW are we going to do it on the daily or weekly - maybe nix soda completely, limit # of drinks and commit to a certain # of workouts a week.  That way we have daily to-do’s and can show up every day getting us closer and closer to our goals.

  2. Do NOT multitask.

    1. We wear “busy” as a badge of honor but honestly it’s not doing us ANY favors.  When we multi-task we end up lowering our quality of work.  As a business owner and mom I am on my phone too much - trust, the hubs reminds me of this DAILY.  (I am a work in progress!)  But when I’m with the kids and answering messages on my phone - my kids feel I’m not present and the person on the end of the message isn’t getting my best self.  Lose lose.  Be INTENTIONAL with your time.  I have started setting a timer for work tasks - until that alarm goes off I do NOTHING except the task at hand.  When that time is done, I go onto the next and when it’s time with the kids it’s phone down!

Now what we should be doing:

  1. In addition to the goal you set attach a FEELING to it.  How do you think this goal will make you feel? What will this goal bring to your life?

    1. As a health coach you have NO idea how many times I hear “I want to lose 20, 40, 50lbs” or I want to be a size 6.  We have spent our LIFETIME associating these things with happiness or success when in reality WHAT is going to happen when we wake up and one day the scale says that #.  Will our kids suddenly listen? Will our jobs become less stressful? NOPE.  So I always ask people to dig deeper.  What do you think you will FEEL when you hit your goal.  Happier? Proud? Confident?  More energy to keep up with your kids? Amazing.  Now show up and remind yourself of THAT feeling every time you’re unmotivated.

  2. Big Goals & small actions.

    1. This is THE GAME CHANGER and has been breadcrumbed throughout all the points above.  Sometimes we set some RIDICULOUSLY large goals (which I am DOWN FOR - go big or go home right?) but instead of motivating us they actually scare us because the gap from where we CURRENTLY are to where we WANT to be is SO BIG.  So break it down into tangible action items.  Want to be more organized spend 5 mins at the beginning of every day clearing out your inbox and your kitchen counter.  Want to start a workout routine - set an appointment in your calendar and show up.  Want to eat healthier - find 3 new recipes a week and try them out with the family.  This way you feel accomplished more frequently than overwhelmed.  Know what that means - it means you’re going to continue to SHOW UP.

Sounds simple enough right now let’s bring it back to fitness because setting goals in this area can bleed into ALL aspects of life and truthfully the start can be the hardest part.  Here are my tips to make exercise a HABIT!

  1. Only do what you enjoy.

    1. Seems ridiculous I need to say this but it’s true.  If you haven’t found what you ENJOY doing it will feel like a “to-do” and not something you look forward to.  There are SO many options (Yoga, Pilates, Strength, Dance, Cardio, Barre etc) I highly recommend trying things out until something clicks - or ask a professional like myself.  Helping people find their soulmate workout is literally my favorite thing to do because it is a LIFE CHANGER.  Take me for example.  I am a pilates instructor and it has been the love of my life forever - body weight exercises focusing on form, I’m in all day.  Ask me to go to a Zumba class or go running - NO THANK YOU.  #DoNotSignMeUpForCardio

  2. Find an accountability partner or community with like minded people

    1. I always recommend sharing your goals with your circle because you’re going to want their support but also finding someone who ALSO wants to establish some healthy habits is the BEST.  I know for me, I would give up on me in a SECOND if it’s raining or the baby didn’t sleep good - if I know my partner is waiting on me for a zoom workout or we will check in later I will 100% get it done.  Whatever gets ya moving is a-ok in my book.  And if you talk yourself into showing up every day eventually you may just WANT to start showing up.

  3. Address the distractions/obstacles

    1. Can’t run without tunes - make sure your playlist is up and ready.  Know the kids will takeover every workout - set that alarm 30 mins earlier then they wake up for some quiet alone time.  Know the weather isn’t going to allow for that outdoor workout - book a class.  HATE waking up early?  Sleep in your workout clothes, set everything up before bed etc. etc.  Addressing these things BEFORE you’re in the moment will stop silly excuses from getting in the way of your goals. 

  4. Put some skin in the game.

    1. Now hear me out - this may be personal BUT I will NEVER waste money so putting a little skin in the game makes me show up.  Sign up for a workout program with a coach, trainer, or book your classes ahead of time.  I INVESTED money in this routine - I am going to get the most out of it.  Want to start smaller?  Tell a friend or your significant other you’re going to workout a certain amount of times this week, or not consume alcohol or stay on meal plan - and if you don’t pay them $10.  Seems silly but I promise it works.

There you have it!  My tips on how to set your goals and how to make exercise a habit.  Now go out there and start moving and remember WHY you’re doing this - to become the best possible version of YOU and to FEEL good.  I’d love to hear what you come up with be sure to tag me on IG @mrsbeckyparker