Boss Summer MENTORSHIP Series

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Before coaching I did the traditional thing.  I went to one of the best business schools in the country, did my internships in the media world and got the good jobs straight out of college. I worked my ass off to progress through the ranks pretty quickly and I have been SO very lucky in the co-worker department (for the most part HAHA) but yet I still kind of always wanted more.    

If we’re being honest I legit FELT the cog in the wheel mentality - which is kind of mind blowing because like I said I had it GOOD - flexible working hours, WFH whenever I wanted and the working hours just didn’t allow me to be with my family the way I wanted. 

So now I’m doing that whole WTF am I doing with my life *Googles “what should I do with my life?” kinda thing.

I had researched becoming a personal trainer, teaching group fitness or even creating training plans to make this blog a source of income! I dreamed and dreamed but nothing seemed to be a good fit and it kind of just made every frustration sting that much more...

Every meeting I attended that could’ve probably been an email…

Every time traffic made me miss my train…

Every time that traffic made me miss kissing my kid goodnight…

Every time I was put into an activity that involved large pieces of paper taped to a wall…

A part of me died. (Maybe not but go with my flair for the dramatics)

I mean I GET IT - when I left corporate America to teach pilates everyone thought I was crazy - HECK I thought I might’ve been. Turns out 8 years later it was the best decision (besides locking down #MrParker) I ever made.  

Ever notice how once you commit to something the universe is like “Alright Bish let’s go!” And things that align with that decision start to present themselves… in walks the coaching opportunity.

I want to note right here I said NO probably 50 times before I said YES.  Remember I was now a fitness instructor and I didn’t need HOME WORKOUTS! The NERVE!

And then when my friends joined - IN I JUMPED (message to Emerson if she’s reading this down the road - do NOT BE A FOLLOWER) 

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In this case it worked out because I thought I was getting something to mix up my fitness routine and I got more than I EVER could’ve imagined; a TRUE community (fit & biz), workout programs that make helping others (while keeping yourself on track too) SO easy, something that is my VERY own, a passion I can pay forward that fills my cup and also pays my mortgage (and bills) AND SO MUCH MORE and now I am paying it forward with The Boss Summer Mentorship Series and I am looking for inspired, motivated, leaders with GRIT, a desire to live a healthy and balanced life and a LOUD fire in their belly to help others do the same!

I ONLY mentor 6 people per month so I can best serve YOU!

During this exclusive training I (along with leaders from the B TEAM) will show you:

1) How to launch your business from Day 1

2) How to ask others to join you on your own wellness journey and share what you do while not annoyingly “selling” our products

3) How to utilize social media to build a following and connect with people authentically all over the world

4) How to build your online business with ZERO prior experience

5) How to start your fit community and how to build your own team and organization

6) How to do all pieces of this business with 100% support from us and the rest of the team.

You will also get access to ALL of the B Team’s AND our larger team’s resources, documents, guides and more so that you do not have to go out and reinvent the wheel. 

We have incredible systems and training in place that not only can you duplicate but you can plug your own new coaches into as you build your team.  It is all done for you so you can focus on building your business quicker and more efficiently.

A question I’m often asked is, “What will the first month as a Beachbody coach be like?” and I want to say that this gig doesn’t favor ANYONE (probably why i love it so much!) It favors the working!!

Note: this list is based on what you’ll experience if you sign up as a coach on MY team! I cannot speak for other coaches, this is how I get my coaches started right!

What you can expect in the first 30 days

  1. You will be welcomed! As soon as you sign up with me as your sponsor coach, I will be there for you! I will send you a welcome email and ask you a few questions about your goals, availability and personal preferences. I take the time to get to know how you individually learn, what motivates you and what you are wanting out of your business. Whether you want to take it slow and easy or quickly grow and learn, I will take it at YOUR pace and you will not get pressure from me to do anything that you don’t want to do. I am matching YOUR efforts!

  2. You will work on YOUR own fitness journey first and foremost. Being a coach is about sharing your own personal journey with our programs. You’ll be asked to focus on YOU first before anything else. You are simply asked to join the B Team Virtual Fit Club (if you haven’t already) pick (AND FOLLOW) a workout program, drink Shakeology (or performance stack) daily, log your workouts and shakes in our private virtual accountability group app, and support others in the group simply by participating. If anyone you know wants to join you, you can just add them to our group – you are NOT expected to run your own group right away. As you go through the program, this is a great chance to start sharing your life and experience with our programs on your social media platforms as you go, so that others will see what you are doing and start asking you what it is that is making you so happy! You’ll be sharing not only your fitness experience, but also about your life – your social media will NOT be taken over by Beachbody!

  3. You’ll get to know our team. You’ll be placed in a private Facebook group for JUST new coaches - HI new friends!! - and after the first month into the B Team Bosses page where all the coaches on our team are there to help and support one another! The B team is located Alllll over the United States, Canada and the U.K. and we virtually connect through this page (there are opportunities for in person hang outs as well).

  4. We’ll have our first one-on-one call (aka the Getting Started Right Call). I am here to mentor and guide you. We’ll set up a call so we can get to know each other better and we can talk through any fears you have about coaching, what your strengths are and how we can work them into your business and I’ll answer any questions you have so far. I also set up monthly one on one calls with my coaches who want them – you aren’t expected to know it all at first, you’ll learn as you go.

  5. You’ll spend time learning. From the moment you sign up you get resources from corporate )specifically to kick off your new biz) pair that with all the goods I have put together and we will  walk you through everything you need to know when you start as a Coach. We will answer questions like “How do I enroll a new Beachbody customer?”, “How do I run a challenge group?” “How do I get over my fear of sharing on social media?!” and “How do I tell my story?” and much more. Don’t forget - I’m always here too!

Wondering what you can do to become a successful new Beachbody Coach? Or if you have “IT?”

All it takes is a little courage to START and being coachable. You won’t be perfect or know it all at first (I still don't!) and no one expects you to be! Learn as you go, be curious, ask questions, and keep going…. you’ll be shocked at how you grow!

And remember I keep my mentorships under 10 - usually right at 6 new coaches per month.  This is an intentional number so I can mentor each one of you individually. You’ll learn from me, a successful coach who is in the TOP .01%  of the network of thousands of coaches. 

You won’t get lost in a giant team of a top 10 coach here – you’ll be joining our close knit community of ladies who are friends, now living a similar lifestyle of fitting coaching into our already busy lives as moms, runners and/or working professionals. 

If you are interested in finding out if you are a great fit for my team, please fill out this short coaching inquiry form  and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours. The 6 Mentorship spots will fill up fast so don’t delay in filling out the form. We can’t wait to help you start chasing your dreams!

I don’t ask that you have experience, or even have ever done a Beachbody program yet, but I do ask that you have a desire to learn and are coachable. I do my best to provide you with incredible resources to make this business what you dream of, but it is your responsibility to put in the work to match those dreams.

“There is something pretty amazing about becoming an entrepreneur and building something for yourself. You will get out exactly what you put into this, and that is the beauty, there are no limits on what you can achieve.”