My Best Advice for Biz Owning Mamas Going Through Tough Times

The best advice for moms going through tough times while balancing family and business responsibilities is to prioritize self-care, seek support, and maintain perspective. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Is it worth it - 100%:

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: Remember that you can't pour from an empty cup or using the Airplane Analogy. You can’t help anyone else put their mask on if you don’t have yours on first. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine, even during challenging times. Whether it's taking a short walk, practicing mindfulness, indulging in a hobby, meeting up with a friend, calling a friend - WHATEVER IT IS - carve out time for activities that recharge and rejuvenate YOU.

  2. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and family time to prevent burnout and maintain a sense of balance. Communicate your boundaries to your family and colleagues, and honor them consistently. It's okay to say no to additional commitments that may overwhelm you (for biz & personal).

  3. Delegate and Outsource: Don't hesitate to delegate tasks or outsource responsibilities, both in your business and at home. Identify tasks that can be delegated to family members, employees, or hired help. Trusting others to share the load allows you to focus on what truly matters.

  4. Seek Support: Reach out to your support network for emotional support, whether it's friends, family, or fellow business owners. Don't hesitate to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor if needed. Sharing your struggles with others can provide perspective and alleviate feelings of isolation. My therapist is my bff and although it is hard for me to ask for help sometimes just KNOWING my village is there is enough to remind me who the F I am and how wildly capable I am (even if I’m currently crying in the shower #truth)

  5. Practice Flexibility and Adaptability: Understand that life often throws unexpected challenges your way. Practice flexibility and adaptability in your approach to both family and business matters. Be willing to adjust your plans and expectations as needed to navigate through tough times. I am a creature of habit SO “flexibility” isn’t my strong suit BUT I am learning sometimes we won’t always get the answers we THINK we need. Doesn’t matter - the grey area can be ok as long as we loosen the reigns on trying to control everything. (someone remind me I said this).

  6. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Recognize your resilience and perseverance in facing challenges, and take pride in your accomplishments, no matter how small. And seriously - sometimes just surviving the day without a nap is a win - LOOK AT YOU “ALL-DAYING IT” You GOOOOOO GLEN COCO!!!!

  7. Focus on What Matters Most: During tough times, prioritize tasks and responsibilities based on what truly matters most to you and your family. Let go of perfectionism and focus on maintaining a sense of harmony and well-being, rather than striving for perfection in every aspect of your life. If it’s for me I have a hard time allowing or prioritizing a task - if it’s for my babies - I am HYPERfocsed on them so whatever they need. It’s happening. When I’m laser focused on that - the “I;m sorry I can’t” comes out a LOT easier.

  8. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life, even during difficult times. Regularly take time to reflect on the things you're grateful for, whether it's the support of loved ones, moments of joy with your family, or progress in your business.

Remember that it's okay to ask for help and take breaks when needed. By prioritizing self-care, seeking support, and maintaining perspective, you can navigate through tough times with resilience and grace. And lastly - If you need a friend, cheerleader or #Hype-Girl I GOT YOU!