3 Reasons to Meal Plan

We KNOW I am not the cook BUT I still Meal Plan and here’s my 3 reasons why.

Time, Health & Money.

All 3 things we want more of no? I sure as shit do so that's why we take some time and PLAN for our week.  Let’s dive into the 3 topics and HOW meal planning really can help SIMPLIFY your week and why it’s worth it.

Now listen, my BIGGEST takeaway with Meal Planning - maybe I should save this for the end but I’m all about the value up front, so go with it; do NOT let the term Meal Planning scare you.  The end goal is that you aren’t starting from scratch with every meal or snack.  You can plan just for you, you can plan for your entire family, you can plan nights out - it really doesn’t matter WHAT you plan just that you gave it a little thought.

Now first up; TIME

Time is probably the most appealing to me right now because I have SO many kids, SO much laundry and not enough hours in the day #serious . But thinking about YOUR schedule and where you could use some extra time in your day it can be easily accessed by planning a little in each of these categories:

Breakfast: This used to be the first meal to go when I was running around trying to parent and make it to my job in corporate America.  Now I have the same trouble fitting it in but for different reasons; Ronin’s screaming for his breakfast and the older two want “bars and water” and then 10 mins later their breakfast.  I’m literally a human tornado in the kitchen.  So I would only have coffee.  Know what happens? I become hangry and ain’t nobody happy when this happens.  SO I PLAN out my snack/breakfast that I can have WITH my coffee while I continue with my life of servitude.  Heres my fav!

Lunch: This is where I would skip right through and sustain on my kids’ crusts or a handful of goldfish.  Again - HAAAAANGRY.  I’m usually a shake and then a protein packed snack a few hours later.  All easy to make and I prep the veggies and fruit before so I just grab and dip (PB or hummus) and I still have my hands for defense

Dinner: This is prob the biggest time saver.  Instead of “what should we have?” “what are you in the mood for?” which takes 20 mins and a lot of frustration - it’s grabbing the ingredients and getting to it.

Know where else this saves time?  Trips to the grocery store - without a plan you never seem to grab enough or everything you need if you’re deciding your menu on a whim.

And then once you’re at the grocery store - it saves wandering back and forth.  Every aimlessly strolled the aisles hoping inspo strikes only to finally decide and then have to go back through the aisles you’ve already wandered through?


When we plan ahead we make smarter choices and also help keep portion sizes in check!  For me it always helps me stay a little more accountable because if i spent time prepping veggies and fruit and I don’t actually eat it and reach for processed crap it’s kinda like I smacked the “old me from Sunday” in the face.

Also for me when I know what I’m eating later in the day - or maybe we’re heading to a restaurant with drinks later; I’ll plan to reel it in the remainder of the day and up my water intake.


chicken and zoodles.jpg

Now I KNOW how lucky I am in the “My husband isnt just easy on the eyes he’s a BOMB chef” department but seriously I would rather eat his meals then at a restaurant BUT with some planning and healthy alternatives we can get your fav meals “out” and make them at home for a fraction of the cost!

Think about it, last week we made Pesto Chicken and Zoodles meal that is comparable to what I’d get at a restaurant (with regular pasta) and our at home meal cost about $6-$8 a portion. Takeout would’ve cost more than $14ish and eating it AT a restaurant would’ve been about $18+.  Now multiply that one meal’s savings by how many meals you eat over a week, month or year and you’re going to see some INSANE savings.

What you can expect from ME in my bootcamp; weekly Meal Plans with shopping list and container equivalents and prep tips and tricks to easily incorporate into your existing routine.  PLUS a community filled with other ladies and gents reaching for same goals - and all bring new and exciting recipes and tips in all departments past just meal planning!

So that’s it - and now I want to hear from YOU.  How are you doing in meal planning