B You Fitness - Revamp!

You could say we’ve been going through some transitions in the Parker household in the past year or so…

We’ll say it was “kicked off” with Mr.Parker injuring himself while working at the FD to be followed by the addition of #crazymanCullen to our family and now our first born going to kindergarten. #allthefeels

These are some BIG life changes and truthfully I never really took a second to sit and reflect on them - because well let’s be honest - with a new baby and a family relying on you - sometimes it feels like you don’t really have that luxury.  You do what needs to be done AND by any means possible.  You call on the village a little more than normal, you stock the wine and you keep your communication lines to all involved as open as possible.

These “distractions” kept me busy all day everyday BUT I made time for my coaching business - a hidden 15 mins here, taking a call in my closet there and no matter what I got it DONE…

Why? Well because it’s important to me.  My challengers keep me motivated - I see them putting their excuses aside and putting in the WORK.  It’s inspiring and reminds me whatever life has thrown at us we keep going and we prioritize what’s important to us (and what’s necessary for this Mama’s sanity).

In addition to my challengers my team has grown SO much - with the addition of the most FABULOUS people I may add.  We are feeling SUCH momentum and camaraderie it’s beyond what I ever envisioned for us and I am giddy with excitement on what the future holds for each and every one of us.

All of that being said there has been one constant on my To-Do list that I have yet to check off and I finally can.  A rebranding of sorts because:

“Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you”

So this rebrand means some other exciting stuff is coming (eeeeeeek) but for now I want to focus on my thought process…

I wanted a symbol (logo).  I wanted it for me, for my team, for US to wear it loud and proud.  Awesome right? No.  PRESSURE!  If you know me you know I talk a lot, I go on and on and I’m INCAPABLE of making a decision so when I start to think of something to represent ME and my team I had 1,000 ideas and yet none at the same time. <- is that weird?

Know what’s funny though - I subconsciously kind of knew what I wanted and I only realize this now because I doodle them ALL day. They’re something that resonates with me every time I saw them, regardless of where they were or how they were being portrayed.  

“They” are an arrow and a diamond.  It must be known that I am so deeply in love with what an arrow signifies:

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.  When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it’s going to launch you into greatness.  So just focus and keep aiming.”

I was torn on the Diamond because something about it just didn’t seem “fitting” to me.  

So I do what I always do...I looped in with my sounding board.  You know - the friends whose opinion will ALWAYS be honest (even when we don’t want to hear it).  And I harassed them until they probably wanted to kill me  - Thanks friends, I would be LOST without you.

It was funny because multiple people said the same thing - I don’t like the Diamond for you because diamonds are a level of perfection that you aren’t and don’t ever want to be.  


I am SO far from perfect - I literally couldn’t be further from perfect.  I am however PERFECTLY me and it took me 30+ years on this planet to actually LIKE that person.

I am a fixer. I drink WAY too much wine.  I laugh too loud, I am annoyingly honest, I am loyal to a fault and when thrown all together I am slowly growing into the person I am proud to say is a role model for my children.

Bringing this full circle … after hearing the feedback and thinking about it over and over (remember the indecisiveness mentioned above!?) come to find out an arrow THROUGH a diamond means “Strength as one moves forward.”


I am in love.  

I am in love with EVERY single hiccup, bad decision, good decision, and person I’ve come across in my life. I’m talking friends I have now, friends I’ve lost, AND also the people who have gone out of their way to hurt me and tear me down, the jobs who have taught me everything I know AND the ones I couldn’t get out of quick enough.  

EVERY SINGLE THING/PERSON brought me to where I am now.  I am unapologetically ME.  

Holy Lord - when I think about it -it took ⅓ of my life to get here and I have no intentions of stopping anytime soon.  I am using every day of this beautifully short life to help others find their passions, cut themselves a little bit more slack and share the love.

“You HAVE to love yourself because no amount of love from others is sufficient to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you” ~ Dodinsky

A BIG shout-out to my friend Robin for all of the talks, laughs and for bringing my ideas to fruition.

To anyone who is looking for MORE but has no idea where or how to start - let’s chat!

Whether you’re looking for fitness or mental changes let’s get you started on the track to not only being the BEST version of you but to genuinely FALLING IN LOVE with yourself.  

It is life changing and it’s NEVER too late - you deserve it.