Fulfilled and Paying it Forward

I turned 35 yesterday...

Why is there always such a mix of emotions that come when you talk about age?  

I’m starting to think it has a little something to do with the reality that sets in when another year has passed, but yet there is still SO MUCH we have yet to do, accomplish, see etc…

We had a couple of HUGE life curveballs thrown at us this year *sidenote nothing like additional life changes while pregnant* and I’m happy to say that despite these curveballs - this year was still positively different.

I didn’t feel stress yesterday.  

I didn’t feel anxious yesterday.  

I didn’t feel sad yesterday.  

I didn’t feel ANYTHING except fulfilled.

This is an amazing accomplishment for me.  Sometimes I allow the #hotmessexpress to control my life - always jumping to “what’s next?” or “what else could I be doing?” instead of focusing on the present and what I’m CURRENTLY doing.

At the ripe ol age of 35 I can confidently say I have a few things under my belt…

*I completed my family.  I know never say never and anything more would be a gift from God BUT Cullen is here and this family of four FEELS complete.  (We also feel tired *VERY TIRED* but complete)

*I found my passion.  Not only did I find my passion, I turned it into my paycheck.  Now, I MUST say that coming from Corporate America this “job” looks a little different… specifically the spandex, shakes and sweaty selfies haha.  Know what’s the same though?  I’m still me - I’m challenged on a daily basis, I’m tapping into my creativity but instead of putting together marketing materials, I’m creating fitness classes, challenge groups, incentives for my coaches etc.  Not a single thing I do now feels like work.  I NEVER even imagined this was possible.  

*I understand (TRULY UNDERSTAND) that your mindset controls your life.  This is LIFE CHANGING.  Things happen all day every day and they’re not always good.  It’s life and it happens.  You either let it consume you or you choose to learn from it, ACCEPT it and move forward.  I used to let it consume me.  Then I decided - yes it’s actually a decision - to be happy.  

“If you want to be happy, be happy ON PURPOSE.  When you wake up you can’t just wait to see what kind of day you’ll have.  You have to DECIDE what kind of day you’ll have” - Joel Osteen   

*I genuinely stopped caring what other people thought of me - this one goes hand in hand with finding your tribe and loving them HARD.  This unsurity used to eat me up inside.  I wanted SO BADLY to be “that person” to everyone.  I don’t even know what that means because what does that even entail?  Be the cool person to that friend, the funny person to that friend, the advice giver to that one etc. etc.  

Once I stopped trying to be what I THOUGHT everyone needed and just unabashedly became myself at all times my tribe - we’ll call them the regulars or the #lifers - they came and they stayed.   Quality over Quantity my friends.

And there it is...in 4 bullet points.  

At 35 years old I am FULFILLED.  Fulfilled and I want to pay it forward.  

If something feels like it’s missing but you can’t quite put your finger on it.  Maybe you’re feeling “off” or if any of those points I mentioned above hit a little closer to home than you’d like, I want you to know you do NOT have to do it alone.  I am here doing the same thing EVERY day.  Let’s keep each other accountable, motivated and appreciative of how AWESOME we already are.  Life is not easy and it’s most definitely too short to not be HAPPY.

You are WORTH it.  Let’s become the best version of ourselves possible.  

And to ALL of the people who helped me get to this point - family, friends, teammates, challengers, clients - you know who you are and I am SO SO SO thankful that you’re joining me on this journey.